Limited International routes
Commercial Airline Medical Stretcher Transport is available for repatriation from most countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Australia to and from the United States.
Stretcher on commercial Airline
Medical Repatriations Can Take Place Using Scheduled Commercial Flights!
A stretcher is necessary for patients that cant seat but are not in critical condition . While installation may take several days, this efficient option is suitable for medium- and long-haul flights, offering a superior alternative to air ambulances, which may require multiple stops for refueling and permits. Furthermore, patients transported on commercial flights will have increased privacy, being separated from other passengers by a curtain.
Each patient transfer is customized to meet individual needs and encompasses the following:
Securing medical authorization from the airline and our medical director.
Procuring tickets for the patient and companion (if applicable).
Medical staff to conduct the mission.
Obtaining authorization for oxygen administration and other necessary medical provisions.
Ensuring priority boarding for the patient, companion, and medical crew.
Providing high-quality, compassionate medical care throughout the journey; coordinating ambulance services at both origin and destination; and managing all logistical aspects to guarantee a seamless transfer.